How to escape matrix


There are people who have been in charge of wealth for a very long time, this includes the governments, religions, institutions, corporate structure and some secret societies whose members are not know, these are the people who create what is know as matrix in the society or a paradox which make it hard to escape what is called slave mind

This people work very hard to make sure no one find out that they exist and no one will notice where the problem is and the only reason they are doing that is so that they could always stay on top and rule over the people’s mind, decision and even give them perspective they want about the fact of their life or existence

Here are the tools that are being used by the matrix to destroy our life


Education system is so corrupt that the government have no plan to change the system for example topic like human used to be a monkey and whole theory of evolution is totally garbage and wastage of time, we all know that God the supreme created everything, but they will teach that to the children just to waste their time

There are also a lot of non-applicable subjects in our daily life that are being taught at school instead of preparing a person to become self-dependence and teach things which can actually make your life better they teach you difficult things which cannot be applied in real life


The media are trying to destroy us in real time, all these music industry, movies industry, game industry they are actually destroying our mind in real time, they show us a lot of fictions, violence, crooked stuff and call it entertainment, the problem is the inner man don’t know the difference between what is real and what is not and so when the inner man capture those activities then your whole life and thinking will be moving into that direction and this is how they program you to become like how they want to


One of the biggest way to capture people is through religion, the religions organization are now the mafia gangs, they are set out there to make sure you will never get rich they will take every little peny you have and then let you blame your God and the truth is we have a lot of false religions including false churches and false teacher this is one of the tool used to control how the people in the society should think, these religion didn’t just come from nowhere they were actually brought here for the purpose


The matrix can easily control the people through the government, the government does not want the people who are complaining, it makes sure that people get paid their salaries, make easy the access of loan and pension so as to keep you in their radar, the government also work in hand with the banks system to make sure that the people stay poor and all the money goes back to the government

Here are the ways to escape the matrix

Decide who you want to be

A lot of people don’t know who they want to be their decision varies each year they change their ambitions every now and then, just say one thing that “ I want to be billionaire” or “I want to be a doctor” that is the first step of deciding how are you going to live your life in this planet earth and that is how you are going to die

Get knowledge on that thing

You want to become something then learn everything about that thing, show interest toward it, seek for it, watch videos only about those things, look at the pictures about those things and that is how you are going to live your life

Reprogram your mind to do only your purpose

Now here is the where the big problem is we have been programed by the television, radio and all the visual materials HERE IS THE BIG SECRETE

The inner man or subconscious mind or the soul only believe by seeing and when he sees he believe and what he believes must happen and that is how your life is destroyed as they say seeing is believing, the inner man has four ways he can see things

1.             Television/videos

2.             Dreams

3.             Real life scenarios

4.             Visualization

Now the bible say that faith comes by hearing but what happen once hear is you create a mental picture and once the mental picture is created only then the inner man start to believe and that is called visualization

Try this exercise lie on bed and don’t create any mental picture this is what will happen you will never get up!

Now the conscious mind act as bearer of faith because the conscious mind is intelligence it knows what is real and what is not hence it may choose to say “this is lie or I don’t believe in it” but as the visual material keep being reinforced or repeated they slowly pass the bearer of conscious and enter in subconscious and then the inner man believes it so your life will be moved or dragged toward that directions

Just think of it you watch a fictions movies or building destructions, people killing each other, or fight whatever it is you watch after a while your mentality starts to drag your whole life into doing those activities and if your luck and say I won’t do it then your mind will constantly meditation on those things over and over and over again instead of using your brain cell to solve your personal problems

So the wise thing to do is to reject all and stop watching all those things you don’t want to become and watch, visualize, experience only the things you wish to become

Use a music material, pictures, videos or even hearing material only for your own purpose and not just to watch any trash just because it looks good


Matrix exist, you can choose to believe it or not they try very hard to keep everyone in box so that you won’t know they exist and their main purpose is just to rule the world without facing any resistance and the easiest way to do that is to reprogram people’s mind so that wouldn’t know what is going on in the world or around them

Now you know seek the matrix and destroy it, get their programs out of your eyes, never allow them in your mind, whatever it is they promote either on movies, TV programs, music’s industries, game industries, fashion and design never allow it to entertain you or your life will be boxed in just like everybody else.


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